Application 2025-2026

Open Enrollment: February 6, 2025 - April 30, 2025

One request per student per year

Student Information

Students entering kindergarten must be 5 years of age by September 1st of the school year they are registering for.

Multiple Birth Siblings

Family Information

Student's Physical Address

Information for Parent/Legal Guardians Residing at Student's Physical Address

Parent/Guardian 1

Parent/Guardian 2

Sibling Information

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature

Jefferson Montessori treats the following signature like a signature on a paper form.

I hereby certify that I have read all the conditions above and that the information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that approval of this request is dependent upon space availability at the requested school. For elementary openings, space availability in program, class size and staffing. For secondary openings based on school projections, staffing, and enrollment guidelines. I further agree that any placements are conditional and the transfer may be revoked based on the conditions above.

I understand that a child admitted under false information is illegally enrolled and could result in disenrollment upon discovery. I further understand that it is my responsibility as the Parent/Legal Guardian to immediately inform the district of any changes to the information provided.

Communication Email

Please enter an email address below. The primary mode of notification will be email. In addition, a submission confirmation will be sent to the email entered below.

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