Welcome to the Student Support and Intervention Application Portal.
To prevent delays in processing, please be sure that all information pertaining to the student is entered correctly. Make sure capitalization and name marks/symbols are used properly.
Childcare transfers will be granted only to students in grades kindergarten through eight. Childcare circumstances may be reviewed, as often as necessary, while the student is attending a school for which a transfer is granted. The documentation should show that all adult family members of the students’ household who are legally responsible for the student are engaged in full-time employment, are full-time student(s), or are disabled. Such circumstances must make them unavailable to care for the student(s) immediately before and/or after school hours.
Transfers may be granted to the zoned school of the caregiver or commercial childcare facility only when space is available. If a transfer is granted, the caregiver is responsible for transportation to and from school. In cases where the zoned school of a private caregiver is closed, the Registrar’s Office will suggest the next nearest school with space availability. When the zoned school of a commercial childcare facility is closed, the Registrar’s Office may consider a transfer to schools where the childcare facility offers drop-off and/or pick up if one of those schools has space availability.
When the zoned school of a commercial childcare facility is closed, the Registrar’s Office may consider a transfer to schools where the childcare facility offers drop-off and/or pick up if one of those schools has space availability.Childcare transfers may be considered for schools with space availability after the transfer season (March 1st to May 1st) under one or more of the following circumstances:
Children of Full-time Richland One School District employees who reside in- or out-of-district may apply for their student(s) to attend school in Richland One School District based on the following guidelines:
Employees must renew their Employee Option Transfer annually by providing the following documentation to the Registrar’s Office:
Renewals are processed from early January through May 1st. Failure to renew an Employee Option Transfer may result in revocation of the transfer.
Student Owned Property
In accordance with SC Code of Laws Section 59-63-30, a student within the ages prescribed by Section 59-63-20 who lives outside of Richland One School District’s attendance zone shall be entitled attend a Richland One school if the student owns real estate in said district having an assessed value of three hundred dollars or more. The student must attend the school zoned to his/her property. If the residential school district will not grant a letter of release, it may prohibit the enrollment into Richland One.
Tuition Student
In accordance with SC Code of Laws Section 59-63-45 , a nonresident child otherwise meeting the enrollment requirements may attend a school in said school district which he is otherwise qualified to attend if the person responsible for educating the child pays an amount equal to the prior year's local revenue per child raised by the millage levied for school district operations. If the payment to the school district is not made within a reasonable time as determined by the district, the child must be removed from the school after written notice is given. All tuition payments must be paid by July 1 for the upcoming school year. Tuition for a new student must be paid before enrollment is permitted. If the student’s start date is after the school year begins; tuition will be prorated. If the residential school district will not grant a letter of release, it may prohibit the enrollment into Richland One.
Parents who reside in Richland School District One can request that their student(s) be released based on one the following circumstances:
The letter of release from Richland School District One permits the school district for which you are requesting to enroll your student. The student’s enrollment is subject to the requested school district’s approval. If the requested school district denies the enrollment, then the letter of release is deemed invalid. The letter of release and the acceptance of enrollment absolves Richland One of any transportation, fee, or funding related responsibilities as a result of the student’s enrollment in the requested school district.
Transfers may be permitted for a high school program of study or unique offering that is not offered in the zoned school. If a request is submitted for a program or unique offering that is offered at the zoned school, the request will be denied. If the request is inadvertently approved for a program that is offered at the zoned school, the decision will be rescinded immediately. The following criteria must be met to apply for a programmatic/unique offering transfer:
The request for transfer and enrollment must be made during the allotted time for transfers (March 1 – May 1)
A Severe Hardship transfer may be granted in cases where there is a clear condition of danger or hazard to the student, family, or both. There must be proof the danger or hazard is preventing the child from attending the school for which the student is assigned. A severe hardship committee will review completed requests. The committee may include, but is not limited to, the district registrar and other student support services staff. Information to make the decision may be solicited, by the committee, from the sending and/or receiving schools’ principals. Due to the nature of these transfer requests, they will be accepted at any time during the school year. Applying for a transfer does not guarantee approval. The student must remain in school while the request is being reviewed. For students being held out of school while the request is being reviewed, attendance and truancy protocols will be followed.
Out-of-attendance-zone transfers may be considered for extraordinary circumstances and conditions, if the transfer is found to be in the best interest of the student and the sending and receiving schools. There must be documentation or facts that support a transfer is in the best interest of the student and the sending and receiving schools. Administrative transfer requests will be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office with input from other Student Support Services staff. If necessary, input from the sending and receiving schools may be required. Decisions will be made based on the preponderance of evidence and not by opinion.
For Sibling Exception applications to be considered the siblings must reside in the same household.
Parents/legal guardians who have a student attending a school on an approved transfer may use a sibling exception transfer to have the approved student’s sibling attend the same school. For example, John was approved for Montessori at Logan Elementary, so his sister now qualifies to attend the school under a Sibling Exception Transfer. This transfer only approves the sibling to attend the school and does not place the sibling in any program.
To be eligible, the approved student must be attending the requested school in the school year the sibling enters. This request should only be completed for a student who has a sibling approved to attend a school by one of the following policy approved transfers: Programs and Unique Offerings, Administrative, Severe Hardship, Childcare, High School Senior, placement by Special Education Services (SPED), Pre-K and School Readiness Departments, or a district approved transfer to a school. If an entire school is a Montessori or program school, such as Brockman, the sibling exception will not apply.
Sibling exception requests may be submitted for a closed school; however, the Registrar’s Office will consult with the necessary district staff to determine if a slot can be opened for the sibling.
Any student application for a sibling exception where the approved sibling is a Pre-K student, an approval will only allow the applying student to attend the school for the duration of the Pre-K approval. If the sibling’s approval is granted through their highest grade, then the applying student will also be granted through the highest grade. Exceptions may apply and will be explained in the written response.
Classification of high school students as freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior is based on the cumulative number of specific course credits earned in each grade level. A high school senior who was in attendance in a Richland One school at the end of his/her junior year may request to attend said school in his/her senior year, despite moving out of the attendance zone or school district. At the time of the request the student must have earned the requisite credits to be classified as a senior and eligible to graduate in the same school year.
The student’s academic, attendance, and discipline records may factor into the decision process.
In-DistrictIf a student’s address changes during the school year, the student will be given the option of remaining at the school he/she is attending for the remainder of the current school year. The student must enroll at his/her zoned school at the beginning of the following school year.Out-of-DistrictIf it is determined that an address is incorrect and the student lives out-of-district, the parent/legal guardian will pay the cost for educating the student while in attendance at district schools or the student will no longer be able to attend, unless the move occurred after the 45th day of school. Student’s discipline and academic record must be in good standing to be considered for a transfer.
Policy JFAA > AR-JFAA-R Admission of Resident StudentsBoard policy requires that a student live with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian to be admitted to the district schools. However, in unusual circumstances, the superintendent or his/her designee may grant permission for the student to enroll without legal guardianship papers.This form is to be used if the person(s) enrolling has/have been given custody or guardianship or qualifies to use the State Statute 59-63-31 affidavit. The State Statute Affidavit must be completed and notarized before uploading.
STOP! You have selected an incorrect application. Please contact the Registrar's Office for assistance by calling 803.231.6944.
(School year for which you are applying)
Specify the DISABILITY. (Select all that apply)
Special Learning Disability (SLD)
Other Health Impairment
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Emotional Disturbance
Speech or Language Impairment
Visual Impairment (including blindness)
Hearing Impairment
Orthopedic Impairment
Intellectual Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury
Multiple Disabilities
Developmentally Delayed
Check this box if you would like to make an additional selection.
You are completing the wrong application type. Please select Employee Option from the Transfer Application Type list at the top of this page, and complete the Employee Option application.
You are not qualified to complete this form. Please contact the District Registrar's Office for more information by calling 803.231.6944.
You have entered an address that does not have a matched school. Please review the address you entered to ensure it is correct and click the link to re-verify
You have entered an address that has not been identified as within the Richland School District One's boundaries. Please continue the form and submit. You will be contacted by Richland School District One to assign your student's school.
If you see this message please continue with completing the registration form. After you have submitted your form, we will research your address, and contact you via email with your school zone information.
Please click the link below to verify your address above.
2025-2026 school year
The high school senior request may only be submitted for the school last attended in Richland One.
I am a full-time employee of the school district I am requesting. (Must work for the actual school district, not just in the district.)
To attend another school district where the student owns property
To complete senior year of high school
Choose all that apply.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
I don't have the Suspension/Expulsion Reinstatement Letter
Please select the Reason for Reinstatement
Excessive Suspensions
Alternative School
Disconnected from school > 30 days
Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ)
Midlands Evaluation Center
Wilderness Camp
The student must complete this section.
I have read and understand the directions for applying for reinstatement. I agree to abide by the policies of Richland School District One. I testify that all of the information on this form and the documentation submitted with my request is true and accurate. I understand that failure to comply with these conditions or falsification of any portion of this application may result in the denial or revocation of my request and/or approval. I will notify my student's school and/or the District Registrar's Office of any changes in the information which I am required to provide to Richland One.
Note: We cannot accept photos of documents. Please upload fully scanned documents or PDF documents.
Property Owners
Please download and complete the Shared Housing Affidavit and upload it below.
(Must be notarized and include all required proofs before uploading)
current lease, rental agreement, or mortgage bill
electric bill, gas bill, water/sewage bill, phone bill [landline], cable/satellite bill
Add more Employer Letter
Please download and complete the CHILD CARE AFFIDAVIT and upload it below.
Please download and complete the State Statute 59-63-31 Affidavit and upload it below.
By checking the box, you acknowledge that you have read and understand each statement.
If approved, parents/legal guardians are responsible for transportation to and from school.
Transfers made without an actual change of residence by the parent/legal guardian may interrupt a student’s athletic eligibility in grades 7 - 12 for one calendar year. Please direct any questions about eligibility to the district athletic director. The contact number for Athletics is 803.231.6722.
Applications that fit the following categories will not be accepted: 1) Incomplete application, 2) Applying for a school closed to transfers
If granted, transfers may be revoked for reasons including, but not limited to repeated tardiness, other attendance irregularities, submission of incorrect information, violation of the discipline code, and if applicable, employment separation from Richland School District One.
If granted, this approval does not supersede placement based on special education or ESOL services. If you are receiving transportation through special services, transportation may no longer be provided. The district will provide special education transportation for your child to the closest location within your residential school zone. If you opt to remain at a school for which you are not zoned, you must provide transportation.
The student's academic and discipline record may determine the student's enrollment eligibility and/or placement.
If approved, parents/legal guardians must provide transportation to and from school.
If granted, transfers may be revoked for reasons, including, but not limited to repeated tardiness, other attendance irregularities, submission of incorrect information, violation of the discipline code, and employment separation from Richland School District One.
**PRE K ONLY** There are no 3K programs available to out of district residents. If your child will be a 4K student and you are applying for employee option, you can only apply for the Language Immersion Program located at Carver Lyon Elementary. Out of district residents are not permitted to attend any other 4K programs. Please contact Carver Lyon Elementary directly at (803) 343-2900 to apply for the Language Immersion program.
Transfers made without an actual change of residence by the parent/legal guardian may interrupt a student's athletic eligibility in grades 7 - 12 for one calendar year. Please direct any questions about eligibility to the district athletic director. The contact number for Athletics is 803.231.6722.
Applications that fit the following categories will not be accepted: 1) Incomlete application, 2) Applying for a school closed to transfers
If granted, transfers may be revoked for reasons, including, but not limited to repeated tardiness, other attendance irregularities, submission of incorrect information, violation of the discipline code, and if applicable, employment separation from Richland School District One.
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately.
Out-of-district students are considered as transfer students and are subject to the revocation process outlined in the Administrative Rule for Policy JFABC
I am aware that the school zoning will be determined by the address of the property owned by my student.
If accepted, transportation to and from school must be provided by the parent.
Tuition Students Only. I am aware the tuition amount will change annually and must be paid in full before my student can start school.
The approval of your request is contingent upon the acceptance of your student(s) by the Superintendent and School Board in the district for which you are seeking enrollment. Richland One will not be responsible for any district tuition, fees, or other contingencies the enrolling district may impose upon you as a prerequisite for enrollment.
Transfers made without an actual change of residence by the parent/legal guardian may interrupt a student's athletic eligibility in grades 7 - 12 for one calendar year. Please direct any questions about eligibility to the district athletic director. The contact number for the Richland One Athletics Director is 803.231.6722.
I am aware that this transfer is through the end of the approved school year, and my student will attend the school zoned for my residential address the following school year.
NOTE: For out-of-district applicants ONLY. Tuition may be required.
I am aware that this transfer duration is determined by the requested school's Executive Director and the determination may not be appealed.
Requests that are incomplete or not justified that fit the following categories will not be accepted.
I understand that if the requesting student's sibling is approved for a high school program/unique offering, the requesting sibling will not be considered for a program through this request. If the sibling wants to apply for a program, a Programmatic/Unique Offering application must be submitted.
I hereby declare that the details provided on the following form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately.
If the court issues a new order or there is a legal change in custody/guardianship, I will notify the student's assigned school immediately.
I hereby declare that the details furnished above areátrueáand correct to theábest of my knowledgeáand belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately.
*Pre-K Disclaimer - Pre-K approvals must go through the Pre-K and School Readiness Office, and Educational Rights permission only establishes guardianship and not approval for the Pre-K program.
Agreement for users of the affidavit for State Statute 59-63-31
I hereby declare that the details provided on the affidavit for State Statute 59-63-31 are true and correct.
I am aware that the affidavit is valid for one school year at a time, and I may not be allowed to complete the affidavit for following years.
I am aware that I may be required to obtain court appointed custody of the student following this school year.
I understand that the custodial parent can withdraw the student at any time, as long as proper proof of custody and identification are provided.
I have read and understand the directions for applying for this student transfer. I agree to abide by the policies of Richland School District One. I testify that all of the information on this form and the documentation submitted with my request is true and accurate. I understand that failure to comply with these conditions or falsification of any portion of this application may result in the denial or revocation of my request and/or approval. I will notify my student's school and/or the District Registrar's Office of any changes in the information which I am required to provide to Richland One.
Please enter today's date