Student Support and Intervention Applications 2025-2026

Welcome to the Student Support and Intervention Application Portal.

  • Incomplete applications will not be processed. The applicant will be notified to provide any outstanding documents.
  • If you wish to complete additional applications after submitting, please do not click the back button. There will be a link on the submission confirmation page which will allow you to complete another application.

Student Information

(School year for which you are applying)

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Residential Information

Please click the link below to verify your address above.

  • Student's Home
  • Zoned School
  • Selected School

2025-2026 school year

Race and Ethnicity

Choose all that apply.

Have you ever withdrawn from a school in lieu of explusion?required
Does the student receive Special Education Services?required
Does the student receive English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services?required

current lease, rental agreement, or mortgage bill

electric bill, gas bill, water/sewage bill, phone bill [landline], cable/satellite bill

Electronic Signature

I have read and understand the directions for applying for this student transfer. I agree to abide by the policies of Richland School District One. I testify that all of the information on this form and the documentation submitted with my request is true and accurate. I understand that failure to comply with these conditions or falsification of any portion of this application may result in the denial or revocation of my request and/or approval. I will notify my student's school and/or the District Registrar's Office of any changes in the information which I am required to provide to Richland One.
