Application 2025-2026

Lottery Application

Admission to Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools is open to all students who are eligible under the laws of the State of Indiana for admission to public school. In accordance with federal laws, no student will be denied admission to Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, aptitude, or athletic ability. Preference is given to siblings of current Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools students.

Student Information

Services Required

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)required
504 Planrequired

Medical Necessity

Other Servicesrequired

Other Information

Home/Residential Information

District of Residence

Previous School Information

School Choice Selection

Applicant Information

Enrolled Siblings

Applying Siblings

Contact Information

Please provide the parents/legal guardians to be contacted for the student.

Parent/Legal Guardian 1

Emergency contactrequired
Has custodyrequired
Can pick up studentrequired
Lives with studentrequired
Resides at student's main home address?required

Receives school communicationsrequired

Parent/Legal Guardian 1 Contact Information

Preferred phone number?
Preferred phone number?
Preferred phone number?

Additional Parent/Guardian

Would you like to add another parent/guardian?

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature

Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools treats the following signature like a signature on a paper form.

I verify the above information to be correct, and I understand that completion of this form does not guarantee placement in a school. I further understand that I cannot register my child without appropriate address documentation and that only one application can be submitted per child.

I understand that a child admitted under false information is illegally enrolled and could result in disenrollment upon discovery. I further understand that it is my responsibility as the Parent/Legal Guardian to immediately inform Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools of any changes to the information provided.

Submission Confirmation Email

Please enter an email address below if you wish to receive a submission confirmation email.

Submission Confirmation Email

How did you hear about Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools?
