Letter of Intent 2025-2026

The Letter of Intent (LOI) is the first step in the Enrollment Process. Letters of Intent that are submitted by January 28, 2025, will be entered into the lottery. Those submitted on January 29, 2025, and after will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis after the lottery.

I am interested in sending my child to Thomas MacLaren School, a public charter school authorized by Colorado Springs School District 11, for the 2025-2026 school year. I am aware that this letter serves only as a demonstration of my interest; it in no way guarantees my child's enrollment nor legally binds me to enroll my child. The school will hold a lottery on January 31, 2025, to determine enrollment. (See K-12 Enrollment Policy for further details.)

NOTE: This Letter of Intent (LOI) is good only for the school year listed above. If the childĀ is not enrolled for that school year, a new form must be filled out for the appropriate school year.

A separate Letter of Intent must be completed for each child.

Child Information

As it appears on a state-issued birth certificate.

Kindergarten students must be five years old on or before October 1, 2025. First grade students must be six years old on or before October 1, 2025. Age must be verified prior to the lottery. Please submit a birth certificate or other document that serves as proof of birth date. Kindergarten is full day and tuition free.

If you believe your child is ready to enter Kindergarten but does not meet the age requirement, please review our Early Access Process and contact the Enrollment office with questions.

Kindergarten students must be 5 on or before Oct 1, 2025

Has this child attended MacLaren previously?required

Has your child been expelled in the last 12 months?

Additional Lottery Information

Do you have a child currently enrolled at Thomas MacLaren School?

Please selectrequired

Is the parent or guardian of this child an employee, Board member, or founding family?

Please selectrequired
Will the child listed above have a sibling in the 2025-2026 lottery?required

Mailing Address

Parent or Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1 - Primary Contact


Parent/Guardian 2


Misc Information

Have you attended a MacLaren Information Night?required

Parent/Guardian Signature
