Application 2024-2025

Lottery Application

Admission and Lottery (Public Random Drawing) Process

The O’Farrell Charter School (OCS) is open to all students who meet the minimum age requirements and reside within the boundaries of San Diego county.

The open enrollment period for the 2024-2025 academic year will begin December 1, 2023, and end December 31, 2023.

Parents/guardians interested in having their children attend OCS in 2024-2025 must submit a separate, online, Lottery Form for each child. If you are unable to complete the form online, please come to the O'Farrell office for assistance.

If the number of new students who wish to attend OCS exceeds available spots, admission will be determined by a lottery (public random drawing) with preference given to children of OCS staff, siblings of currently enrolled OCS students, students currently enrolled at Ingenuity, and children who reside within the boundaries of SDUSD. The lottery will occur within 30 calendar days of the last day of the open enrollment period. The lottery will take place via Zoom on the OCS campus at 6130 Skyline Drive, San Diego, California 92114.

A community member who is not employed by OCS and does not have children enrolled at OCS will be selected to conduct the lottery. OCS will announce the number of openings available at each grade level. A unique identification number may be assigned to each child's name so that the waiting list can be displayed. The lottery shall continue until all of the identification numbers are drawn. The identification numbers drawn after open spaces are filled will be placed on a waiting list in the order drawn.

As a space becomes available, the parent/guardian listed on the Lottery Form will be contacted according to their order on the waiting list. The parent/guardian will be given three business days to indicate accept the seat. If the parent/guardian fails to respond or is no longer interested, the parent/guardian of the next child on the waiting list will be contacted. The waiting list is terminated annually.

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to volunteer at OCS. However, OCS does not require parental volunteer hours as a criterion for admission or continued enrollment.

Final offers of admission will be granted upon completion of a registration meeting and submission of all necessary documents, including the child's immunization records.


Student Information

Home/Residential Information

District of Residence


Current School Information

Applicant Information

Enrolled Siblings

Family Information

Parent/Guardian 1

Emergency contactrequired
Has custodyrequired
Can pick up studentrequired
Lives with studentrequired
Resides at student's main addressrequired

Parent/Guardian 1 Contact Information

Preferred phone number
Preferred phone number

Parent/Guardian 2

Emergency contactrequired
Has custodyrequired
Can pick up studentrequired
Lives with studentrequired
Resides at student's main addressrequired

Parent/Guardian 2 Contact Information

Preferred phone number
Preferred phone number

Additional Parent/Guardian

Would you like to add another parent/guardian

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature

The O'Farrell Charter School treats the following signature like a signature on a paper form.

I verify the above information to be correct, and I understand that completion of this form does not guarantee placement at The O'Farrell Charter School. I further understand that I cannot register my child without appropriate address documentation and that only one application can be submitted per child.

I understand that a child admitted under false information is illegally enrolled and could result in disenrollment upon discovery. I further understand that it is my responsibility as the Parent/Legal Guardian to immediately inform The O'Farrell Charter School of any changes to the information provided.

Submission Confirmation Email
